Challis Hot Springs: Land of the Yankee Fork State Park Expansion Challis, Idaho
Site Analysis & Assessment | Utilities Analysis | Site Layout & Materials Plans | Grading & Drainage Plans | Cost Estimating | Environmental Permitting | Construction Documents
Project Description
BRECKON landdesign is working with the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation on assessment and a Master Plan for inclusion of Challis Hot Springs, recently purchased by the State of Idaho, into the existing Land of the Yankee Fork State Park. The scope of work includes comprehensive analysis of the existing campground, hot pools and structures, assessment of power, water and sewer utilities, site programming, environmental review and permitting, schematic design, cost estimating, surveying, hydrology/water resources assessment, and SHPO and archaeological review. The vision for the completed facility includes new roadways, signage and landscaping, campground repairs and expansion, geothermal pool upgrades, existing structure repairs, new restroom facilities and shelters, a new visitor's center and river access. Status